Our Work

The Higher Croft Ward has 3,127 households and a population of 7,840. The ward is made up of predominately white British people with approximately 3% coming from an Asian (Indian and Pakistani) heritage. 46% of the housing in the Ward is rented of which 45% is social housing the majority of which is managed by Twin Valley Homes, the borough’s largest Social Landlord.
Higher Croft has 1,127 households with no adult in work, 972 households in which somebody lives with a long-term activity-limiting illness and 905 residents provide unpaid care for someone with an illness or disability. (2011 Census data).
The Higher Croft Delivery Plan focuses on the topics local people feel are their priorities: Uniting Communities, Cleaner & Greener Community, Safer Community, Youth Forum, Youth activities and Wellbeing activities.
Monday Makers Women’s Group  
Youth Clubs & Youth Arts & Crafts  
Summer Lunch Box Scheme to address holiday hunger in the Higher Croft Ward
Children’s Reading Festival