The Higher Croft Ward has 3,127 households and a population of 7,840. The ward is made up of predominately white British people with approximately 3% coming from an Asian (Indian and Pakistani) heritage. 46% of the housing in the Ward is rented of which 45% is social housing the majority of which is managed by Twin Valley Homes, the borough’s largest Social Landlord. | |
Higher Croft has 1,127 households with no adult in work, 972 households in which somebody lives with a long-term activity-limiting illness and 905 residents provide unpaid care for someone with an illness or disability. (2011 Census data). | |
The Higher Croft Delivery Plan focuses on the topics local people feel are their priorities: Uniting Communities, Cleaner & Greener Community, Safer Community, Youth Forum, Youth activities and Wellbeing activities. | |
Monday Makers Women’s Group | |
Youth Clubs & Youth Arts & Crafts | |
Summer Lunch Box Scheme to address holiday hunger in the Higher Croft Ward | |
Children’s Reading Festival |