Local Conversations Higher Croft are looking at tackling Financial Aid and supporting residents. Local volunteers have taken part in Illegal Money Lending and Loan Shark Citizens Juries and will undertake training to provide help and support for anyone facing financial problems. We will be offering drop in sessions at different venues and we will be starting a new FareShare project in the new year which will offer residents a chance to join the project which will provide a food parcel to those who require it. They will also be provided support to tackle any problems they are facing such as, employment, health, housing, education, just to name a few.
We will be developing the new Fareshare scheme which will be located at Our Lady of Perpetual Succour Church Hall. As well as the FareShare project we will be looking towards developing a Community Fridge provision. We are always looking for volunteers to support these projects, if you are interested and have some free time please contact ******